Why Is Drywall So Expensive Now?

Why Is Drywall So Expensive Now?

Drywall is the most common building material in the United States. But it’s costly, even though drywall sheets are relatively small and light. Drywall has become increasingly popular for interior walls because it’s easy to install and finish, which makes it an attractive option for do-it-yourself home improvement projects. The drywall cost varies depending on…

Where Is Drywall Made?

Where Is Drywall Made?

Drywall, also known as wallboard or plasterboard, is a building material used for interior surfaces in a building structure. It is made from gypsum plaster, a type of processed gypsum. The gypsum plaster used to make drywall is nearly pure calcium sulfate. When it dries and hardens, it forms a stiff sheet of paper-like material…

How To Drywall A Ceiling

How To Drywall A Ceiling

If you’ve never installed drywall on a ceiling before, today I’ll walk you through how to drywall a ceiling.  If you’re a DIYer, homeowner, or a general contractor – this guide is for you. Before you begin installing drywall, it’s important to understand the different types, lengths, and thickness of the drywall.  This will save…

Hire Contractors Nearby Now Easier With These Apps

Hire Contractors Nearby Now Easier With These Apps

Best Websites/Apps To Hire Contractors Nearby Are you looking to hire contractors nearby?  Many contractors go by word of mouth, but a lot of them have adapted to using internet-based services to reach customers.  This has made it easier than ever for customers to get quotes on projects for their homes. I’ve been in the…

Free Drywall Estimator Calculator – How Much Drywall Do I Need?

Free Drywall Estimator Calculator – How Much Drywall Do I Need?

Drywall Estimator Calculator Instructions for using the Drywall Estimator Calculator: 1. If you are just doing one wall or two walls, only enter your calculation in those areas.2. If you are drywalling an entire room, enter the measurement for each wall and the ceiling.3. Choose “Yes” or “No” for adding 10% waste to the formula.4….